A Special Announcement

Hello, friends:

It's been a while since I've written. I hope this message finds you all healthy and sufficiently summered. 

We have very exciting news to share. My family and I are now the proud new owners of Radford Coffee Company! It has been a whirlwind getting to know this amazing established business and all the intricacies that go with it. I've always been a coffee lover - and a RCC has been my favorite place to enjoy a cup, so when the opportunity presented itself, it seemed like the right path for me to take. 

What does this mean for you? First, you must come and see for yourself. Now that HazelBea and RCC are sister companies, we have begun to support each other and work to find new ways that these two businesses can create delicious experiences for our customers. HazelBea has infused our touch and craft into the menu, and RCC has been a perfect new home to showcase our love for fresh and local food and drink. Shane's homemade yeast cinnamon rolls and banana bread are worth the trip alone. You can also use RCC as a new pickup location for our HazelBea at Home meals! 

Radford Coffee is a community space; one that welcomes anyone who walks through the door and has a special charm that, in my opinion, touches your heart. RCC's mission has been to help provide for the education of roughly 1600 Miskito children on the remote and beautiful Coconut River in Nicaragua, and we will continue to do so with a portion of our profits.

Did you know that Radford Coffee is also a local coffee roaster? We have an incredible roasting lineup that has been built and refined over the past eight years. From light, medium and dark roasts and blends, we have something for everyone. I have truly enjoyed learning the process of coffee cultivation, sourcing beans, getting to know the farmers and understanding profiles. From farm to cup, there's so much to know! I didn't think I could love coffee more than I already did, but understanding the journey it took to my mug has changed my morning ritual for the good, forever. 

I've learned so much in such a short time on this new journey, and I hope you can stop in to say hello in our new home. 

Check us out and learn more about our new adventure at https://www.radfordcoffeeco.com/.

Cheers to good food, coffee and community,

Rachel Doyle and Family + Shane Comber of HazelBea Catering

Black History Month | Week 1

February 1 marks the beginning of Black History Month. At HazelBea, we have an opportunity to highlight a few of the contributions and achievements of African Americans and their impact on the culinary world from our rocky start to the American tables of today.

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